Delivery partners are the driving force of Grubhub, and we take their health and safety seriously. To learn more about our commitment to driver safety, visit https://driver.grubhub.com/driver-safety/. For other health tips when delivering, visit the Help Center.
What drivers are eligible for driver support pay?
To qualify for support pay, drivers must:*
- Have completed 30 deliveries with Grubhub in the last 30 days from the request date
- Have documentation from a licensed medical provider or public health authority that you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or an order from a licensed medical provider or public health authority to self-isolate due to the risk of spreading COVID-19. The documentation must specifically reference your risk of spreading COVID-19 as the reason for self-isolation.
- Submit a request via the Grubhub driver support pay form
What does a driver need to submit to be considered for driver support pay?
Drivers will need to provide Grubhub with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the form of either documentation from a licensed medical provider or public health authority; or an order by a licensed medical provider or public health authority requiring you to self-isolate due to your risk of spreading COVID-19.* The documentation must specifically reference your risk of spreading COVID-19 as the reason for self-isolation.
How long will it take for a driver to receive driver support pay?
As long as the proper documentation has been submitted and validated, drivers will receive driver support pay within two pay periods of submitting their request.
How will driver support pay be calculated?
In order to be respectful of the hard work and dedication of each of our delivery partners, Grubhub will be issuing a one-time payment of two weeks worth of earnings. This will be calculated for each delivery partner based on their average earnings over the last three weeks.* No payout amount will be lower than $100 for any individual driver.
Can drivers continue to deliver with Grubhub during the request process?
Within 24 hours of a driver submitting a driver support pay request, Grubhub will automatically remove all of the driver’s remaining blocks without impacting their program level and temporarily deactivate their Grubhub for Drivers account for 14 days.* If a driver has notified the Grubhub Care team that they were sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 prior to request submission date, their Grubhub for Drivers account may already be deactivated.
After the 14 day period is over, drivers should reach out to Grubhub to reactivate their Grubhub for Drivers account and the driver can start delivering with Grubhub again. There will be no impact to a driver’s program level status.
How long will the driver support pay approval process take?
Drivers should allow five business days for eligibility to be confirmed, assuming required documentation is provided in a timely manner. At that time, the driver will be notified whether or not the request was approved.
Once approved for driver support pay, how long will it take for the payment to be processed?
Drivers will be issued a payment within two pay periods from the date of approval.
If a driver meets eligibility requirements, how do they request support pay?
To request support pay, drivers should follow request instructions and submit all necessary information via the Grubhub driver support pay request form.
What will Grubhub do for drivers if a city shuts down Grubhub's service?
If Grubhub were to fully cease operations in a city or country due to COVID-19, Grubhub will work with local governments to understand how best to support drivers and delivery people. Driver support pay will not apply in any case of a broader suspension of Grubhub’s operations in a location or city.
*If you are a driver in California or have taken deliveries in Seattle in the last 90 days, different eligibility criteria and calculation methods may apply. See more information for Seattle. See more information for California.