Grubhub and Transact
have partnered to
bring more options
to your school
Transact campus cards are now accepted at Grubhub.
Who can benefit from this program?
Schools with an
off-campus program:
Easily add Grubhub as an off-campus merchant to your existing off-campus merchant program to increase the value of your campus card and give students more options. In partnership with Transact CampusCash, we handle onboarding, merchant services and settlement— making operations and student service easier for you.
Schools without an off-campus program:
Build relationships with local businesses and increase the value of your student ID card by extending cashless payments to off-campus merchants. Increase meal plan sales and revenue with customized, off-campus marketing services and campaigns.
Why partner with Grubhub?

Expand your scope
With more than 300,000 restaurant partners in over 4,000 U.S cities, Grubhub can connect your students with more local restaurants wherever they are.

Increase student ID value
Make student ID cards more valuable by allowing cashless payments to off-campus restaurants that can be delivered by Grubhub whether students are on or off campus.

Maintain sales
Help prevent the loss of sales due to COVID-19 by expanding the market past physical on-campus locations.